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What I'm up to?

Hello my dear readers,

I am really sorry that I haven't written anything in a while but I have been trying out this other site to make my blog, but in the end I decided I would come back to this one. Yaay!!!...

I know it's been a while since I posted something but here are some news...

In January (I know that is a loong time ago) I finally started taking Spanish and I exited EAP - finally. I really didn't like the teacher. Let's just call her Ms. L. So Ms. L wouldn't really teach us anything or that's just how I felt about her way of teaching. When Kamila (one of my friends), me and another girl from the class got called to stay a bit after class that she needs to talk to us we got super excited. She told us that we are the ones that she's considering to take out of EAP. In the end only Kamila and I ended up leaving EAP and entering Spanish.

I know that the next thing I want to talk about might be weird but I want some advice. I really want to find a perfect boyfriend and because I have never had one I need advice how to find the one I want. You might be thinking I am too young for one, but guys I am in 8th grade and I am turning 14 in May (19th). Today I actually finished reading Girl Online: Going Solo which btw was incredible like the other two books. I was wondering and figured out that I would also really find my own Brooklyn Boy :). If you have any advices then please let me know in the comment bellow!!!

The last but not least thing I want to talk about in today's blog is High School. I know it might seem really weird but yes I am going to Highschool next year! We had to choose electives about 2 weeks ago and that's why I am bringing this up. I also want to ask for some advice before I head off to HS and being the most awkward freshmen EVER #thestruggleisreal... So if you have any good advices then please let me know!!!

I think (well it is) this is all I wanted to tell you today in this post and stay tuned for the next post. Hopefully I will start posting regularly.

If you have any blog requests comment them down below...


Nicolla Online, soon offline sleeping xxx

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